Using PlantUML for Creating Clear and Concise Diagrams


Hi All ,

Today, We will go through an Overview of Using PlantUML for Creating Clear and Concise Diagrams and the benefits it brings to Application Developers.

Let’s Get Started .


The world of software development thrives on clear communication and understanding. Whether outlining complex system architectures, visualizing data flow, or documenting API interactions, diagrams play a crucial role in bridging the gap between abstract concepts and concrete implementation. This is where PlantUML steps in and makes the difference.It is a powerful yet approachable tool, specifically designed to create diverse and informative diagrams.

PlantUML: More Than Just Plain UML

PlantUML is a versatile component that enables swift and straightforward diagram creation. Users can draft a variety of diagrams using a simple and intuitive language. It transcends the limitations of traditional UML (Unified Modeling Language) by embracing a wider range of diagram types. Its simple, text-based syntax makes it accessible even for non-diagramming experts, empowering them to express their ideas visually.

Here’s what sets PlantUML apart:

  • Simplicity: Forget cumbersome interfaces; PlantUML’s intuitive commands allow you to define diagrams quickly and efficiently.
  • Versatility: Go beyond UML! PlantUML supports various diagram types, including sequence diagrams, class diagrams, activity diagrams, network diagrams, and even flowcharts, catering to diverse communication needs.
  • Integration: PlantUML seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Java and Spring Boot, allowing you to embed diagrams directly within your source code or documentation for a unified experience.
  • Cross-Platform: PlantUML is platform-agnostic, ensuring your diagrams work flawlessly across different operating systems and cloud environments.

Supported UML Diagrams

Create well-structured UML diagrams including but not limited to:

📈 Supported Non-UML Diagrams

Beyond UML, PlantUML supports a range of other diagrams such as:

Benefits of Embracing PlantUML:

  • Enhanced Clarity: Visual representations improve understanding and reduce ambiguity, leading to fewer communication gaps and misunderstandings.
  • Enriched Documentation: Well-crafted diagrams add value to your documentation, making it more accessible and engaging for users and stakeholders.
  • Collaboration Boost: Sharing diagrams effectively fosters collaboration and facilitates discussions among developers, designers, and other project members.
  • Improved Maintainability: Visualizing system architecture and component interactions improves code maintainability and reduces the risk of introducing errors during modifications.

Limitations to Consider:

  • Learning Curve: While the syntax is simple, mastering PlantUML’s full capabilities requires some effort.
  • Limited Interactivity: PlantUML diagrams are primarily static representations, offering limited interactivity compared to dedicated diagramming tools.
  • Community-Driven: While the community is active and helpful, support might not be as extensive as commercially backed diagramming software.

When PlantUML is Your Best Friend:

  • Documentation: PlantUML excels at visually representing system architecture, API interactions, and data flows within your Spring Boot application’s documentation.
  • Design Discussions: Use PlantUML to quickly sketch out and share design ideas with team members during brainstorming sessions or design reviews.
  • Code Understanding: Embed sequence diagrams or activity diagrams directly within your code to visualize complex logic and improve code readability.
  • Cloud-Agnostic Architecture: PlantUML diagrams effectively communicate your application’s architecture, regardless of the cloud platform (OpenShift, GCP, AWS, Azure) you choose for deployment.

Best Practices for PlantUML Mastery: A Deep Dive

Start Simple and Scale Up:

PlantUML mastery begins with small steps. Start with basic diagrams like sequence diagrams or activity diagrams to familiarize yourself with the syntax. Explore beginner-friendly resources and tutorials available online to solidify your understanding. As you gain confidence, gradually progress to more complex diagrams like class diagrams or network diagrams, expanding your visual communication repertoire.

Embrace the Community:

The active PlantUML community is a valuable asset. Utilize the online forum ( for discussions, troubleshooting, and seeking help from experienced users. Explore the community-developed libraries and templates for inspiration and reusable components. Actively participate in discussions and contribute to the community’s growth.

Leverage Seamless Integration:

Integrate PlantUML seamlessly into your development workflow to maximize its benefits.

Popular IDE plugins like Visual Paradigm for IntelliJ IDEA (

PlantUML4IDEA ( streamline the diagram creation process and enable live updates as your code evolves.

Build tool plugins for Maven ( or Gradle ( automate diagram generation and integration within your project artifacts, ensuring consistency and reducing manual effort.

Maintain Consistency and Style:

Establish a clear and consistent style guide for your diagrams to ensure they are easily understandable and visually appealing across your project. Define elements like color schemes, font styles, layout conventions, and symbol usage to create a uniform look and feel. Utilize community-developed style guides or online resources like PlantUML Style Guide ( for inspiration and best practices.

Focus on Communication:

Remember, the ultimate goal of using diagrams is effective communication. Tailor your diagrams to your audience, ensuring they are clear, concise, and free from unnecessary clutter. Avoid overloading diagrams with excessive information or technical jargon that might alienate non-technical stakeholders. Use labels, annotations, and explanations effectively to guide the reader’s understanding and highlight key points.

PlantUMLBoot in Action: A Detailed Example

Let’s delve into a practical scenario where PlantUML shines in a Java Spring Boot application. Imagine an application that retrieves data from a database and exposes it through a REST API. Here’s how we can visualize this interaction with PlantUML:

Scenario 1:

  • A user sends a request through an API Gateway.
  • The API Gateway forwards the request to the Spring Boot application.
  • The application interacts with a database to retrieve the requested data.
  • The application processes the data and sends a response back to the API Gateway.
  • The API Gateway relays the response to the user.

Step 1: Define the Sequence Diagram:


actor User as user
participant ApplicationUI as applicationui
participant APIGateway as apigateway
participant ApplicationAuthorizer as applicationauthorizer
participant ApplicationLoadBalancer as applicationloadbalancer
participant ApplicationBFF as applicationbff
participant ProductService as productservice
participant ActiveDirectory as activedirectory

database Database as database

== Initialization ==
user -> applicationui : Authentication Request
applicationui -> apigateway: Authentication Request
apigateway -> applicationauthorizer: Authentication Request
applicationauthorizer -> activedirectory : Authentication Request
activedirectory -> applicationauthorizer : Authentication Response

alt#Gold #LightBlue Successful case
applicationauthorizer -> apigateway: Authentication Accepted
else #Pink Failure
applicationauthorizer -> apigateway: Authentication Rejected
apigateway -> applicationui: Authentication Response
applicationui -> user : Authentication Response


Here is The generated Sequence Flow Diagram

Scenario 2:

  • A user sends a product search request through an API Gateway.
  • The API Gateway forwards the request to the Spring Boot application.
  • The application interacts with a database to retrieve the requested data.
  • The application processes the data and sends a response back to the API Gateway.
  • The API Gateway relays the response to the user.

actor User as user
participant ApplicationUI as applicationui
participant APIGateway as apigateway
participant ApplicationAuthorizer as applicationauthorizer
participant ApplicationLoadBalancer as applicationloadbalancer
participant ApplicationBFF as applicationbff
participant ProductService as productservice
participant ActiveDirectory as activedirectory

database Database as database

== Initialization ==
user -> applicationui : Authentication Request
applicationui -> apigateway: Authentication Request
apigateway -> applicationauthorizer: Authentication Request
applicationauthorizer -> activedirectory : Authentication Request
activedirectory -> applicationauthorizer : Authentication Response

alt#Gold #LightBlue Successful case
applicationauthorizer -> apigateway: Authentication Accepted
else #Pink Failure
applicationauthorizer -> apigateway: Authentication Rejected
apigateway -> applicationui: Authentication Response
applicationui -> user : Authentication Response

== Search Product==
user -> applicationui : Search Product Request

applicationui -> apigateway: Search Product Request

apigateway-> applicationloadbalancer : Search Product Request
applicationloadbalancer -> applicationbff : Search Product Request
applicationbff -> productservice: Search Product Request
productservice-> database: Search Product Request
database -> productservice: Search Product Response
productservice -> applicationbff : Search Product Response
applicationbff -> applicationloadbalancer : Search Product Response
applicationloadbalancer -> apigateway: Search Product Response
apigateway -> applicationui: Search Product Response
applicationui -> user : Search Product Response

Here is The generated Sequence Flow Diagram

Step 2: Generate and Embed the Diagram:

You can use various tools to generate and embed the diagram:

Additional Considerations and Future Exploration

While this article provides a foundation for using PlantUML in Application development, there’s always more to explore and learn. Here are some additional considerations and potential avenues for future exploration:

Advanced Diagram Types:

ArchiMate Diagram

ArchiMate is an open and independent enterprise architecture modeling language that supports the description, analysis, and visualization of architecture within and across business domains. An ArchiMate Diagram provides a structured representation of the various components of an enterprise, their interrelationships, and their integration with IT infrastructure.

While both ArchiMate and UML are modeling languages, they serve different purposes. UML is primarily used for software design and system modeling, focusing on the structural and behavioral aspects of systems. In contrast, ArchiMate is tailored for enterprise architecture, offering a holistic view of the organizational, informational, and technical layers of an enterprise.

skinparam rectangle<<behavior>> {
roundCorner 25
sprite $bProcess jar:archimate/business-process
sprite $aService jar:archimate/application-service
sprite $aComponent jar:archimate/application-component

rectangle "Handle claim" as HC <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Capture Information" as CI <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Notify\nAdditional Stakeholders" as NAS <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Validate" as V <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Investigate" as I <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Pay" as P <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business

HC *-down- CI
HC *-down- NAS
HC *-down- V
HC *-down- I
HC *-down- P

CI -right->> NAS
NAS -right->> V
V -right->> I
I -right->> P

rectangle "Scanning" as scanning <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle "Customer admnistration" as customerAdministration <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle "Claims admnistration" as claimsAdministration <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle Printing <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle Payment <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application

scanning -up-> CI
customerAdministration -up-> CI
claimsAdministration -up-> NAS
claimsAdministration -up-> V
claimsAdministration -up-> I
Payment -up-> P

Printing -up-> V
Printing -up-> P

rectangle "Document\nManagement\nSystem" as DMS <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "General\nCRM\nSystem" as CRM <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "Home & Away\nPolicy\nAdministration" as HAPA <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "Home & Away\nFinancial\nAdministration" as HFPA <<$aComponent>> #Application

DMS .up.|> scanning
DMS .up.|> Printing
CRM .up.|> customerAdministration
HAPA .up.|> claimsAdministration
HFPA .up.|> Payment

legend left
Example from the "Archisurance case study" (OpenGroup).
<$bProcess> :business process
<$aService> : application service
<$aComponent> : application component
  • Class diagrams: Visualize relationships between classes and their attributes/methods for a deeper understanding of your application’s structure.
abstract class AbstractList
abstract AbstractCollection
interface List
interface Collection

List <|-- AbstractList
Collection <|-- AbstractCollection

Collection <|- List
AbstractCollection <|- AbstractList
AbstractList <|-- ArrayList

class ArrayList {
Object[] elementData

enum TimeUnit {

annotation SuppressWarnings

annotation Annotation {
annotation with members
String foo()
String bar()
  • Use case diagrams :

A use case diagram is a visual representation used in software engineering to depict the interactions between system actors and the system itself. It captures the dynamic behavior of a system by illustrating its use cases and the roles that interact with them. These diagrams are essential in specifying the system’s functional requirements and understanding how users will interact with the system. By providing a high-level view, use case diagrams help stakeholders understand the system’s functionality and its potential value.

PlantUML offers a unique approach to creating use case diagrams through its text-based language. One of the primary advantages of using PlantUML is its simplicity and efficiency. Instead of manually drawing shapes and connections, users can define their diagrams using intuitive and concise textual descriptions. This not only speeds up the diagram creation process but also ensures consistency and accuracy. The ability to integrate with various documentation platforms and its wide range of supported output formats make PlantUML a versatile tool for both developers and non-developers. Lastly, being open-source, PlantUML boasts a strong community that continually contributes to its improvement and offers a wealth of resources for users at all levels.

  • Activity diagrams: Model complex workflows and business processes within your Spring Boot application.
  • Component Diagram: A component diagram is a type of structural diagram used in UML (Unified Modeling Language) to visualize the organization and relationships of system components. These diagrams help in breaking down complex systems into manageable components, showcasing their interdependencies, and ensuring efficient system design and architecture.
skinparam interface {
backgroundColor RosyBrown
borderColor orange

skinparam component {
FontSize 13
BackgroundColor<<Apache>> Pink
BorderColor<<Apache>> #FF6655
FontName Courier
BorderColor black
BackgroundColor gold
ArrowFontName Impact
ArrowColor #FF6655
ArrowFontColor #777777

() "Data Access" as DA
Component "Web Server" as WS << Apache >>

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> () HTTP : use
  • Network diagrams: Represent the network infrastructure your application interacts with, showcasing communication flows and dependencies.
nwdiag {
group nightly {
color = "#FFAAAA";
description = "<&clock> Restarted nightly <&clock>";
network dmz {
address = "210.x.x.x/24"

user [description = "<&person*4.5>\n user1"];
// set multiple addresses (using comma)
web01 [address = "210.x.x.1, 210.x.x.20", description = "<&cog*4>\nweb01"]
web02 [address = "210.x.x.2", description = "<&cog*4>\nweb02"];

network internal {
address = "172.x.x.x/24";

web01 [address = "172.x.x.1"];
web02 [address = "172.x.x.2"];
db01 [address = "172.x.x.100", description = "<&spreadsheet*4>\n db01"];
db02 [address = "172.x.x.101", description = "<&spreadsheet*4>\n db02"];
ptr [address = "172.x.x.110", description = "<&print*4>\n ptr01"];

Collaboration and Sharing:

  • Version control: Integrate PlantUML diagrams into your version control system (Git) to track changes and revert if needed.
  • Collaboration tools: Utilize platforms like or Visual Paradigm Online for collaborative diagram creation and editing.
  • Documentation tools: Integrate PlantUML diagrams with documentation tools like Swagger or Spring REST Docs for a unified view of your API and its design.

Advanced Techniques and Best Practices:

  • Macros and libraries: Leverage community-created macros and libraries to extend PlantUML’s capabilities and create reusable components.
  • Styling and customization: Explore advanced styling options to personalize your diagrams and match your brand guidelines.
  • Accessibility: Ensure your diagrams are accessible by using color schemes, fonts, and annotations that cater to users with visual impairments.

Continuous Learning and Community Engagement:

  • Stay updated: Subscribe to the PlantUML newsletter or follow the community forum to stay informed about new features, updates, and best practices.
  • Contribute to the community: Share your knowledge and expertise by creating tutorials, answering questions on the forum, or developing helpful macros or libraries.
  • Explore advanced resources: Dive deeper into PlantUML with books, online courses, or workshops focused on specific diagram types or advanced techniques.

By embracing continuous learning and exploring the vast capabilities of PlantUML, you can unlock its full potential and elevate your Spring Boot development process to new heights. Remember, clear and effective communication is crucial for successful software development, and PlantUML empowers you to achieve just that.

Conclusion and Resources:

PlantUML empowers you to create clear and concise diagrams, enhancing communication, understanding, and collaboration within your Spring Boot development process. Its simplicity, integration capabilities, and cloud-agnostic nature make it a valuable asset. Remember, continuous learning and exploration are key to mastering PlantUML’s potential. Here are valuable resources to guide your journey:

Embrace the power of PlantUML to elevate your Spring Boot development process and create applications that are not only functional but also well-communicated and understood by everyone involved.

We hope you liked this post on Using PlantUML for Creating Clear and Concise Diagrams and the benefits it brings to Application Developers.

References :

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AWS Learning : Journey towards Limitless Opportunities in Cloud .

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Gaurav Rajapurkar - A Technology Enthusiast

An Architect practising Architecture, Design,Coding in Java,JEE,Spring,SpringBoot,Microservices,Apis,Reactive,Oracle,Mongo,GCP,AWS,Kafka,PubSub,DevOps,CI-CD,DSA