Effective Java Development with Lombok

Hi All ,

First of all, Let me wish you a Very Happy New year 2023 . May you reach all your personal and professional goals.

Today , We will look Project Lombok and its annotations in details .We will also see how it can be helpful to Developers in Effective Java Application Development .

What is Lombok:

Project Lombok is a Java library that can be used to reduce boilerplate code in Java applications. It provides annotations that can be used to automatically generate getters, setters, constructors, and other common methods for Java classes.

This can greatly simplify the development process and make code more readable. Lombok is easy to use, lightweight, and can be integrated into most Java IDEs. It also has a number of additional features like logging, thread-safety, and exception handling.


Project Lombok was first released in September 2008 by Dutch software developer, Reinier Zwitserloot. It was made available under the Apache 2.0 open-source license. Since then, it has been regularly updated with new features and improvements, and it remains a popular tool among Java developers for reducing boilerplate code and improving code readability.


The current version of Project Lombok is version 1.18.24. This version was released on April 18th, 2022, and it includes several bug fixes and improvements.

Project Lombok is one of the most widely used projects in the Java ecosystem, with over 31,000 open source repositories depending on it. Project Lombok ranks within the top 40 of all Maven projects, demonstrating the widespread adoption of the project.

Famous Annotations:

One of the most popular features of Lombok is the @Data annotation. This annotation can be applied to a class and will automatically generate getters and setters for all fields, as well as equals, hashCode, and toString methods. This can save a lot of time and effort for developers, as these methods are often needed in most Java classes but can take a long time to write.

Another useful feature is the @Builder annotation, which can be used to create a builder pattern for a class. This makes it easy to create objects with many fields in a more readable way, by chaining method calls together.

Lombok also provides a number of other annotations, such as @NonNull, @Cleanup, and @Synchronized, which can be used to make your code more readable and improve the performance.

Project Lombok provides several annotations that can be used to reduce boilerplate code and improve the readability of your Java code. Some of the most commonly used Lombok annotations include:

  • @Getter and @Setter: These annotations can be applied to a class or field to automatically generate getter and setter methods for that class or field.
  • @ToString: This annotation generates a toString() method for the class, which returns a string representation of the object’s fields.
  • @EqualsAndHashCode: This annotation generates the equals() and hashCode() methods for the class, based on the fields of the class.
  • @NoArgsConstructor, @RequiredArgsConstructor, and @AllArgsConstructor: These annotations generate constructors for the class. The @NoArgsConstructor annotation generates a constructor with no arguments, the @RequiredArgsConstructor generates a constructor with arguments for final and non-null fields, and the @AllArgsConstructor generates a constructor with arguments for all fields.
  • @Data: This annotation is a shortcut for applying @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode, @Getter and @Setter, and @RequiredArgsConstructor all at once.
  • @Builder: This annotation generates a builder pattern for the class, which makes it easy to create objects with many fields in a more readable way by chaining method calls together.
  • @Cleanup: This annotation automatically calls the close() method on a resource, for example a file or a JDBC connection, when it goes out of scope.
  • @Synchronized: This annotation is used to make a method or a block of code thread-safe by adding a synchronization mechanism.
  • @NonNull: This annotation can be applied to a parameter, field, or method return value to indicate that the value should never be null.
  • @Log: This annotation generates a logger for the class, which can be used to output log messages.
  • @Value: This annotation creates an immutable version of the class, with setters replaced by constructors, and all fields are final.
  • @Delegate: This annotation can be used to delegate the implementation of a method or a field to another object.

These are some of the most commonly used Lombok annotations, but there are many more available that can be used to further reduce boilerplate code and improve the readability of your Java code.

Using Lombok with Maven:

To set up lombok with any build tool, you have to specify that the lombok dependency is required to compile your source code, but does not need to be present when running/testing/jarring/otherwise deploying your code. Generally this is called a ‘provided’ dependency.

Lombok is available in maven central, so telling Maven to download lombok is easy.

Adding lombok to your pom file

To include lombok as a ‘provided’ dependency, add it to your <dependencies> block like so:


This page explains how to integrate lombok with the Apache Maven build tool.

Java Code Examples:

Let’s look at some examples of how you can use some of the most commonly used Lombok annotations in your Java code:

Using the @Data annotation:

import lombok.Data;

public class User{
private String name;
private int age;

The @Data annotation generates getters and setters for all fields, as well as equals, hashCode, and toString methods for the class.

Using the @Builder annotation:

import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;

public class User{
private String name;
private int age;
User user= User.builder().name("John").age(25).build();

The @Builder annotation generates a builder pattern for the class, which makes it easy to create objects with many fields in a more readable way.

Using the @Synchronized annotation:

import lombok.Synchronized;

public class Counter {
private int count = 0;
public void increment() {

The @Synchronized annotation is used to make a method thread-safe by adding a synchronization mechanism.

Using the @NonNull annotation:

import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;

public class Person {
private final String name;
private final int age;

public void setName(@NonNull String name) {
this.name = name;

The @NonNull annotation can be used to indicate that a parameter or a field should never be null.

Using the @Log annotation:

import lombok.extern.java.Log;
public class Person {
public void doSomething() {
log.info("doing something");

The @Log annotation generates a logger for the class, which can be used to output log messages.

Here are some additional Lombok annotations that may be useful in certain situations:

  • @Wither: This annotation can be used to generate a with-method for a class or field, which creates a new instance of the class with the given field set to a new value.
  • @Accessors: This annotation can be used to control the naming of the generated getters and setters for a class or field.
  • @SneakyThrows: This annotation can be used to handle checked exceptions in a more concise way, by automatically adding the necessary try-catch block.
  • @Var: This annotation can be used to replace the traditional type declarations with the var keyword, which is more concise and can be inferred by the compiler.
  • @FieldNameConstants: This annotation can be used to generate constant fields for all non-static, non-transient fields of a class, which can be used to make your code more readable and maintainable.
  • @UtilityClass: This annotation can be used to generate a private constructor for a class, which ensures that it can’t be instantiated and is used only as a utility class.
  • @Singular: This annotation can be used to generate methods for adding elements to a collection or map fields.
  • @Log4j, @Log4j2, @Slf4j and @CommonsLog: These annotations can be used to generate loggers for different logging frameworks.

Sure, here are some more examples of how you can use some of the Lombok annotations in your Java code:

Using the @Cleanup annotation:

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import lombok.Cleanup;

public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
@Cleanup FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("example.txt");
// do something with 'in'

The @Cleanup annotation automatically calls the close() method on a resource, for example a file or a JDBC connection, when it goes out of scope.

Using the @SneakyThrows annotation:

import lombok.SneakyThrows;

public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
throw new IOException();

The @SneakyThrows annotation can be used to handle checked exceptions in a more concise way, by automatically adding the necessary try-catch block.

Using the @Wither annotation:

import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Wither;
public class Person {
private final String name;
@Wither private int age;
Person p = new Person("John").withAge(25);

The @Wither annotation generates a with-method for a class or field, which creates a new instance of the class with the given field set to a new value.

Using the @Accessors annotation:

import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;

@Accessors(fluent = true, chain = true)
public class Person {
@Getter @Setter private String name;
@Setter private int age;
Person p = new Person().setName("John").setAge(25);

The @Accessors annotation can be used to control the naming of the generated getters and setters for a class or field. In this example it enables fluent and chain options, which means the setters will return this, allowing to chain the calls together.

Using the @UtilityClass annotation:

import lombok.experimental.UtilityClass;

public class MathUtils {
public static int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;

The @UtilityClass annotation can be used to generate a private constructor for a class, which ensures that it can’t be instantiated and is used only as a utility class.

It’s worth noting that these are just a few examples of how you can use Lombok annotations in your Java code, but there are many more available that can be used to further reduce boilerplate code and improve the readability of your code.

It’s important to understand the annotations you are using and their effect on the code, and to have a good knowledge of Java and the development environment to fully take advantage of Lombok.

It’s worth noting that, Lombok is actively maintained and developed, so new version may be released after my knowledge cut-off, you can check the official website to check the latest version of Lombok.

Project Lombok supports Java 8 and above. This means that it should work with any version of Java that is based on Java 8 or later, including Java 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, , 16 and others . It’s worth noting that, Lombok is actively maintained and developed, so it may support more recent version of Java in future releases, and it’s always better to check the official website.

For the latest information and requirements. It’s also important to check the compatibility of Lombok with the specific version of Java you are using and the IDE you are using before integrating it into your project.

Using Lombok with Your favorite IDE:

You can configure Lombok with your favorite IDE . The details are mentioned in below links:

It’s worth noting that, Lombok is a powerful tool, but it does have some potential downsides. It may add complexity to your codebase, and since it’s not part of the standard Java library, it requires additional setup and configuration. Also, it’s important to understand the annotations that you are using and their effect on the code.

There are several pros and cons to using Project Lombok in your Java development:


  • Reduces boilerplate code: Lombok provides annotations that can be used to automatically generate common methods such as getters, setters, constructors, and toString, which can save a lot of time and effort for developers.
  • Improves code readability: By reducing the amount of boilerplate code, Lombok makes the code more readable and easier to understand.
  • Enhances performance: Lombok’s @Synchronized annotation can be used to make a method or a block of code thread-safe, and @Cleanup can be used to automatically close resources, which can improve the performance of your code.
  • Simplifies exception handling: Lombok’s @SneakyThrows annotation can be used to handle checked exceptions in a more concise way, by automatically adding the necessary try-catch block.


  • Requires additional setup and configuration: Since Lombok is not part of the standard Java library, it requires additional setup and configuration.
  • May add complexity to your codebase: Lombok provides a lot of annotations, and it’s important to understand the annotations you are using and their effect on the code.
  • Not supported by all IDEs: Although most popular Java IDEs support Lombok, but not all of them do, which can make it difficult to use in some environments.
  • Not always recommended: In some cases, the boilerplate code it aims to eliminate is added for a reason, such as for making the code more readable or maintainable, or to handle edge cases.

Lombok can be a useful tool for reducing boilerplate code and improving code readability, but it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before using it in your projects. It’s also important to understand the annotations you are using and their effect on the code, and to have a good knowledge of Java and the development environment to fully take advantage of Lombok.

Overall, Lombok can help to develop more efficient Java code by reducing repetitive and error-prone code. It allows developers to focus on the business logic of the application and not on boilerplate code. It also makes the code more readable and maintainable.

We hope you liked this post of knowing more about Project Lombok and its annotations in details.

Happy Learning … Happy Coding …..

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Gaurav Rajapurkar - A Technology Enthusiast

An Architect practising Architecture, Design,Coding in Java,JEE,Spring,SpringBoot,Microservices,Apis,Reactive,Oracle,Mongo,GCP,AWS,Kafka,PubSub,DevOps,CI-CD,DSA