Java: 30 ways to improve Code Coverage


Hi All,

Following to our previous post on Java Code Quality , Java : Many ways to improve the Code Quality.

Today , We will look in to the ways of improving the Java Code Coverage.

So Lets Begin with understanding of What is Code Coverage ???

What is Code Coverage :

In very simple terms , Code Covergae is a unit to measure the testability of application code . It helps in determining how much percentage of the application code is actually testable using tests.

The formula to calculate the code coverage looks like this:

c = Code lines executed by tests
t= total source code lines
code coverage (in percent) = (c / t) * 100

For Example :
c = 800
t= 1000
code coverage (in percent) = (800 / 1000) * 100
code coverage = 80%

Generally , minimum 80% of application code coverage is a good benchmark .There are several Code Coverage tools that can help in application code analysis .

SonarQube is a popular tool that can be used to measure code coverage and identify areas of the code that need more test coverage. In this article, we will discuss some best practices for increasing code coverage using SonarQube for Java applications.

Measuring the effectiveness of your tests through code coverage can be a powerful tool to identify issues and improve the overall quality of your code. By increasing code coverage, you can gain greater confidence in your tests, and in turn, the overall quality of your application.

It’s important to note that code coverage is not just a single metric, but rather a representation of a wider commitment to quality within your organization. By educating team members about the importance and value of code coverage, the entire organization can benefit from its use.

There are several best practices that can be used to increase code coverage using SonarQube for Java applications.

  1. Unit Testing: Unit testing is an essential part of any software development process, and it is especially important when using SonarQube. Unit tests help to ensure that the code is working as intended and that any changes made to the code do not break existing functionality.
  2. Code Coverage Tools: SonarQube integrates with popular code coverage tools such as JaCoCo and Cobertura to provide detailed information about code coverage. These tools can be used to identify areas of the code that are not being covered by tests, and to ensure that new code is properly tested.
  3. Code Reviews: Peer code reviews are an important part of any software development process, and they can be especially useful when using SonarQube. During code reviews, developers can discuss the code and provide feedback on how to improve it. This can include suggestions for additional test coverage, as well as suggestions for refactoring the code to make it more testable.
  4. Code Refactoring : Code refactoring can help in optimizing code structure and make code free from code smells . It also helps in removing code duplication and removal of dead or unused code from the application .
  5. Continuous Integration: Integrating SonarQube into a continuous integration (CI) Jenkins or Travis pipeline. It can help in ensuring that code quality is maintained over time. This can be done by setting up automated checks to run whenever new code is committed, and by providing developers with immediate feedback when issues are identified.
  6. Code Quality Metrics: SonarQube provides a wide range of code quality metrics that can be used to identify potential issues in the code. These metrics include things like code complexity, test coverage, and duplicated code. By regularly reviewing these metrics, developers can take steps to improve the overall quality of their code.
  7. Test Automation: Automating test cases can help ensure that code is tested regularly and that new code is thoroughly tested before it is deployed. By automating test cases, developers can quickly and easily run tests on new code, and they can also schedule regular test runs to ensure that the code is working as intended.
  8. Test-Driven Development (TDD): Test-Driven Development is a software development methodology in which test cases are written before the code is written. This approach helps ensure that code is written with testability in mind and that new code is thoroughly tested before it is deployed.
  9. Code Scan for Binary Vulnerabilities : Regular scan of the code for detecting Binary Vulnerabilities in third party jars or libraries including open source libraries .Old or outdated version of dependency jars can cause secutity threats to aplications. It can help improve code and it free from Binary Vulnerabilities and improve the overall quality of the code. For example:
  10. Code Profiling: SonarQube provides features for code profiling that can help identify code that is taking a long time to execute. This can include things like slow database queries or complex algorithms. By identifying these areas, developers can optimize the code and improve the performance of the application.
  11. Improve Documentation: Good documentation is an important part of any software development process. SonarQube provides a feature to check the documentation and make sure it covers all the necessary information. By writing clear and concise documentation, developers can improve the overall understandability of the code and make it easier to maintain and test.
  12. Integration with build tools: Integrating SonarQube with build tools such as Maven, Gradle, or Ant can help automate the process of running code analysis and displaying the results in the SonarQube dashboard. This can save developers a lot of time and make it easier to keep track of code quality over time.
  13. Use of code quality gates: SonarQube provides a feature called Quality Gates that allows developers to set up thresholds for various code quality metrics, such as test coverage and code complexity. If a threshold is not met, the build will fail, preventing the code from being deployed. This ensures that the code meets a certain level of quality before it is released.
  14. Regular monitoring: Regularly monitoring the code quality metrics in SonarQube can help developers stay on top of any issues that arise. By monitoring the code on a regular basis, developers can quickly identify areas that need improvement and take action to fix them before they become a bigger problem.
  15. Collaboration and communication: Collaboration and communication are key to any successful software development project, and this is especially true when working with SonarQube. By working closely with other team members, developers can share knowledge, ideas, and best practices for improving code coverage and overall code quality.
  16. Test data management: Managing test data can be a critical aspect of achieving high code coverage. Test data management involves creating and maintaining data sets that are used in test cases. By using appropriate test data, developers can test a wide range of scenarios and edge cases, which can help to identify bugs and improve code coverage.
  17. Test case prioritization: Prioritizing test cases can help to ensure that the most critical areas of the code are tested first. This can include identifying areas of the code that are likely to change frequently, or that are critical to the functionality of the application. By prioritizing test cases, developers can focus their efforts on the areas that are most important and achieve higher code coverage.
  18. Test case optimization: Optimizing test cases can help to reduce the time and resources needed to run tests, which in turn can help to achieve higher code coverage. This can include things like reducing the number of test cases that need to be run, or reusing test cases for multiple scenarios. By optimizing test cases, developers can achieve higher code coverage with less effort.
  19. Test case documentation: Proper documentation of test cases is important for maintaining and improving code coverage over time. This includes documenting the purpose of the test case, the expected outcome, and the steps needed to execute the test case. This documentation can also be helpful for other developers who need to understand the test cases and how they were designed.
  20. Continuous improvement: Achieving high code coverage and maintaining good code quality is an ongoing process, and it requires continuous improvement. By regularly reviewing code quality metrics, monitoring code coverage and testing, and incorporating feedback from team members and end-users, developers can continuously improve the code coverage of their Java applications.
  21. Test case quality over quantity : it is crucial to focus on the quality of your tests, rather than simply the quantity. High code coverage does not automatically equate to a bug-free program. Instead, it’s important to make sure your tests are thorough and effective. Additionally, it’s essential to target coverage of various code pathways rather than just lines of code.
  22. Code coverage reporting: SonarQube provides detailed reporting on code coverage, including line coverage, branch coverage, and overall coverage percentage. This can help developers identify areas of the code that need more test coverage and also track the progress over time.
  23. Code coverage thresholds: Setting code coverage thresholds can be an effective way to ensure that the code is tested to a certain degree. Developers can set thresholds for line coverage, branch coverage, and overall coverage percentage, and if the thresholds are not met, it will be flagged as an issue in SonarQube. This can help developers to focus on the areas that need more test coverage.
  24. Code coverage history: SonarQube provides historical data on code coverage, which can help developers identify patterns and trends in the code coverage over time. This can help identify areas that have consistently low code coverage and prioritize them for testing.

25. Test case execution: Executing test cases on a regular basis is crucial for achieving high code coverage. Regular testing can help identify bugs early on and improve the overall quality of the code. Automating test cases can make this process more efficient and help to ensure that all test cases are executed consistently.

26.Another important consideration is to think about edge cases and not just the most likely scenarios. Additionally, aim for a consistent level of coverage across all of your projects. Also, make sure that frequently changing parts of the codebase are well covered.

27.It is also vital to include both unit and integration tests in your coverage strategy. When writing tests, make sure to avoid duplicating the implementation logic.

28.Additionally, make sure your tests are consistent and automated. Integrate the generation of test coverage reports with your CI/CD pipeline to boost visibility and make sure builds only pass if all test cases pass.

29.Another important feature SonarQube is related Security Code Analysis , which can assist in monitoring and analyzing code coverage with application code security issues . With SonarQube, you can set automatic code analysis as part of your CI/CD pipeline and track and improvements code coverage over time.

30.Another key aspect to consider is the use of code coverage metrics. These metrics will help you understand how much of your code is being executed by your tests, and identify areas where more coverage is needed. Some commonly used metrics include line coverage, branch coverage, and condition coverage. Line coverage measures the percentage of lines of code that are executed by your tests, while branch coverage measures the percentage of branches in your code that are executed by your tests. Condition coverage measures the percentage of conditions in your code that are executed by your tests.

It’s important to note that these practices are not a one-time task, but an ongoing process that must be continuously improved.

Use of code coverage plugins: SonarQube provides several plugins for code coverage tools such as JaCoCo, Cobertura, and Istanbul. These plugins can be used to import code coverage data into SonarQube and display it in the form of reports and dashboard widgets. This provides developers with detailed information about the code coverage of their application, making it easier to identify areas that need improvement.

By utilizing the features of SonarQube, developers can improve the code coverage of their Java applications and ensure that the code is of high quality. This helps to reduce the risk of bugs, improve the maintainability of the application, and ultimately deliver a better product to end-users.

In conclusion, achieving high code coverage is essential for ensuring that the code is thoroughly tested and that the application is less likely to contain bugs. SonarQube is a powerful tool that can be used to measure code coverage and identify areas of the code that need more test coverage.

By following these best practices , developers can achieve high code coverage, reduce the risk of bugs, and improve the overall maintainability of their Java applications.


We hope you liked this post of looking in to the ways of improving the Java Code Coverage.

Happy Learning … Happy Coding …..

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Gaurav Rajapurkar - A Technology Enthusiast

An Architect practising Architecture, Design,Coding in Java,JEE,Spring,SpringBoot,Microservices,Apis,Reactive,Oracle,Mongo,GCP,AWS,Kafka,PubSub,DevOps,CI-CD,DSA